• On june 2016, the majority of Britains voted « yes » to leave European Union after 43 years ( It was  the 1ST january 1973). But Three years ago, the Brits are still waiting for the Brexit. James Cameron disagreed so he resigned his function. Theresa May replaced him. Theresa May deals with the Parliament to find the best accord. It seems complicated because the deputies rejected her conditions. The doubt appointed in the mind of MP, that's why the deputies answered in poll about their confidence in her. 325 MP trust her and it's really important because they don't want the « No Deal » However, some Brits think that is a good idea. According the Diary « The Guardians », 28% of Brits are in favor of the « No Deal ». It could prevent the chaos and keep good political and economic relation. Many month after, the UK will take advantage of the EU's services for example the export will be topical under duress : the reciprocity.

    PEACE, a programme arranging by the UK in order to bring Ireland and the North Ireland back together with stability. If there is a « No Deal », the EU will insure that it won't finish at least until 2020.

     What is the future of language study abroad? 

    This break-up affect also the one who moved on Europe. Erasmus + give to the europeans, the possibility to learn a new language. If there is the « No deal », people will be forced to stop their studies et return back at  « home ». 21 000 students are concerned, it will be complicated to handle this situation. They will have to start all over again. If they decide to stay, they will haven't got a visa, so it's a problem. Fortunetly, The Eropean Comission serve as a guarantee that all the grant  will always give and they will be welcomed under good conditions. 


    The Fact that the Britain don't want leave the UK anymore, make things more difficult. This change in the situation is due by the way that a lots of Brits was too young during the referundum. Admiettly, the Brexit could be to stop because a lot of protest took place in differents countries as UK, France.  There is a protes on March at Hyde Park and at Westminster Parliament, London. The Britains paraded by wearing blue clothes. There is no policeman, no political party, only citizens in the calm. The standard over there, no imply the manifestation that's why it's considerable step. Morever, the demonstrators come from all walks of life. They are determinated. 


     Sometimes, we have the impression that the EU isn't clear. On one hand, they want that the UK stay in this political partnership but in the other hand they showed the opposite.   

    This is a little bit ironical, the Brits are allowed to vote for the next European election even thought they were supposed to leave the EU before. There election planned the 23 may until 26 may and their exit, the 29 march. We don't understand this decision and yet the EU wants us to believe that the UK had no real influence on it as a Dutch cartoonist drew this idea.


    First published on Caglecartoons.com, The Netherlands, June 23, 2016 

     By Tom Janssen 


     Nevertheless, this is not the opinion of every people. Some people think that whitout the UK can't survive. This opinion showed by an American caricaturist. He uses the metaphor of a castle to represent the EU. The castle is knocking down, this distinctive characteristic means that they have no chance without the UK. We know it because the man who is fleeing, looks like a British. 

    First published in The Minneapolis Star Tribune, U.S., June 24, 2016 

    By Steve Sack 


    We can tell you that the Brexit is a really long fight. This project is likely not going to turn ut well. The 29 March passed and the separation is not finishing. 


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